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nie rongzhen中文是什么意思

用"nie rongzhen"造句"nie rongzhen"怎么读"nie rongzhen" in a sentence


  • 聂荣臻


  • Study on the features of nie rongzhen ' s military theory
  • On nie rongzhen ' s ideology of developing science and technology
  • There in jiangjin , lie the exhibition room of the late matshal nie rongzhen and his former residence with the state aaaa grade ; the former residence of chen duxiu ? shiqiangyuan ( yard with stone walls ) , protected by the state ; the first buddha of the yangtze rive ? the stone sculpture of buddha kwan - yin ; the world ' s longest couplet with 1612 chinese characters on zhongyuanfang stone boat , linjianglou city tower of jiiangjin
用"nie rongzhen"造句  
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